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Digitally Printed Traffic Signs

When looking to source finished traffic signs for your agency, you have more than one option for specifying how your regulated signs are produced. Adding the option for digitally printed regulatory and custom signs to your sign specification allows you more flexibility. Here are some advantages provided by a digital print process:

  • get brighter, durable, and visible traffic signs with 3M digital printing solutions
    Digitally Printed Traffic Signs Have Many Benefits; Custom Colours, Text, and Graphics

    See how printer technology has evolved to provide agencies with highly customisable and durable signs that are manufactured to meet today's needs.      

  • print your digital traffic sign with 3M qualified printers
    Washington DOT Found Success by Establishing a Specification for Digitally Printed Traffic Signs

    The State expanded its sign production capability to include a wide variety of signs from stop signs to overhead signs.

  • get high-quality and long-lasting traffic signs with 3M certified sign fabricators
    3M Certified Sign Fabricators Are Trained Through a Rigorous On-Site Process by 3M

    The training process allows 3M Certified Sign Fabricators to use approved fabrication processes and materials to deliver high-quality signs.

Find the Right Digital Traffic Sign Printing Solution

Need help in printing custom signs or have questions about digitally printed traffic signs? Click on the button to ask a digital sign printing expert who will be happy to help you with the printing process.
