3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting

DG³ Cost Comparison Calculator

You may save money in the long run as DG³ Reflective Sheeting may cost less than you think.

A calculator rests on a table.
Safety, Value, and Durability. Let’s Do the Math.

Our upgrade calculator shows you the cost and the value in upgrading your signs to 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting (Exceeds ASTM D4956 Type XI specifications).

  • Step 1: Sign details


    Enter your current sign specifications

    Enter your current sheeting type so we can show you how much it would cost to upgrade to 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting (Type XI).

    All fields are required unless indicated optional
    • A roll of sign sheeting
      Sheeting type
    • A ruler
      Sign size (inches)
    • A printer printing an image
      Imaging method
    • image of octagon
      Substrate type
    • The number symbol
      Total number of signs

    Sheeting type: ; Sign size: ; Imaging method: ; Substrate type: ; Total number of signs:

  • Step 2: Project costs


    Keep prefilled costs or make edits

    • A stack of paper currency
      Sheeting cost (per sq ft)
      Overlay cost (per sq ft)
      Changes to sign material, labor and installations costs will be reflected on both sides of the comparison to isolate the difference in sheeting cost.
      Changes to sign material, labor and installations costs will be reflected on both sides of the comparison to isolate the difference in sheeting cost.
      A Route 66 highway sign
      Substrate cost (flat panel) (per sign)
      Substrate cost (extruded panel) (per sign)
      Sign post or structure cost (per sign)
      Estimated imaging cost (per sign)
      A worker with a hardhat
      Sign labor cost (per sign)
      Installation cost (per sign)
      A shining lightbulb
      Electricity (annual)
      Maintenance of lights (annual)
      A stack of paper currency
      Total Project Cost
      Annual Transportation Budget
    • -VS-
    • -VS-
    • 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ (ASTM Type XI)
      A stack of paper currency
      Sheeting cost (per sq ft)
      Overlay cost (per sq ft)
      Changes to sign material, labor and installations costs will be reflected on both sides of the comparison to isolate the difference in sheeting cost.
      A Route 66 highway sign
      Substrate cost (flat panel) (per sign)
      Substrate cost (extruded panel) (per sign)
      Sign post or structure cost (per sign)
      Estimated imaging cost (per sign)
      A worker with a hardhat
      Sign labor cost (per sign)
      Installation cost (per sign)
      A shining lightbulb
      Electricity (annual)
      Maintenance of lights (annual)
      A stack of paper currency
      Total Project Cost
      Annual Transportation Budget
    • :

      Sheeting cost:

    • 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ (ASTM Type XI):

      Sheeting cost:

    Overlay cost: ; Substrate cost (flat panel): ; Substrate cost (extruded panel): ; Sign post or structure cost: ; Imaging cost: ; Sign labor cost: ; Installation cost: ; Annual electricity cost: ; Annual maintenance of lights cost: ; Total project cost: ; Annual Transportation Budget:

  • Step 3: Calculator results

    Modify your project costs

    vs. 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ (ASTM Type XI)

    • with 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³
      Two stacks of coins
        Show math
      Show math
      (Total Installed Sign Cost () / years warranty) - (Total Installed Sign Cost (ASTM Type XI) / years warranty) + (electricity (annual) (if applicable) + maintenance of lights (annual)) (if applicable) * 12
      Show math
      (Total Installed Sign Cost () / years warranty) - (Total Installed Sign Cost (ASTM Type XI) / years warranty) + (electricity (annual) (if applicable) + maintenance of lights (annual)) (if applicable) * 12
    • Additional life
      additional warrantied years with 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³
      A wall calendar
        Show math
      Show math
      = years
      3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ = years
      Show math
      = years
      3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ = years
      Total installed sign cost
    • $
    • -VS-
    • 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ (ASTM Type XI)
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total sign cost
    • %
    • %
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total installed sign cost
    • %
    • %
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total project cost
    • Sheeting cost as a % of agency's annual transportation budget
    • Total installed sign cost
    • $
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total sign cost
    • %
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total installed sign cost
    • %
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total project cost
    • Sheeting cost a % of agency's annual transportation budget
    • -VS-
    • 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ (ASTM Type XI)
    • Total installed sign cost
    • $
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total sign cost
    • %
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total installed sign cost
    • %
    • Sheeting cost as a % of total project cost
    • Sheeting cost as a % of agency's annual transportation budget
    • $
    • Cost comparison is an estimate only and is based on assumed values that may vary for your project. This is not a quote or bid and does not guarantee price.

    • Brightness and Durability.

      3M's Type XI sheeting outperforms 3M's Type IX, IV, and I sheetings' performance in all years of their warranted life. Even after 12 years, 3M's Type XI sheeting warranted performance is still above 3M's Type IX, IV, and I sheetings' initial performance.

      Line graph showing Type XI sheeting is more retroreflective than Type IX, Type IV and Type I sheeting over 12 years.
      1. Year 1 initial retroreflectivity minimum values from ASTM D4956-19
      2. Retroreflectivity values correspond to observation angle 0.2° and entrance angle -4°
      3. Federal minimum for white guide sign sheeting at observation angle 0.2° and entrance angle -4°
      4. Sheeting retroreflectivity values over time are based upon minimum warranty performance levels. Actual sheeting performance may be higher.

Download your complete comparison report

Get a free comparison report and speak to a 3M™ representative about your specific needs. This detailed cost comparison report details the results shown above. Print this report and use with decision-makers to upgrade to 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³ Reflective Sheeting.

All fields are required unless indicated optional

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Business Email Address
  • Business Phone
  • Company
  • Country/Region
  • State or Province

3M takes your privacy seriously. 3M and its authorized third parties will use the information you provided in accordance with our Privacy Policy to send you communications which may include promotions, product information and service offers.

Please be aware that this information may be stored on a server located in the U.S. If you do not consent to this use of your personal information, please do not use this system.

Calculator instructions

The DG³ Cost Comparison Calculator estimates the cost and the potential savings over time in upgrading your sign to 3M™ Diamond Grade™ DG³. Simply select the current reflective sheeting you are using, sign size, imaging method and number of signs to calculate your results. Modify the suggested values to make the comparison more specific to your project.

To get started ...

  • This is a list of information you will need for the calculator. You may also use our prefilled values for a quick result.

    • •  Sign size
    • •  Current sheeting type & grade
    • •  Imaging method
    • •  Number of signs
    • •  Sheeting and imaging costs
    • •  Sign materials costs
    • •  Labor and installation costs
  • Disclaimer
    The brands listed above are trademarks of 3M. *CPL calculation considers Total Installed Sign Cost ÷ (((Initial Brightness + End of Life Brightness)/2) X Estimated Life in years). It is based on white sheeting @ .5/-4 (angle most commonly experienced by drivers). Minimum percentage RA retained at end of estimated life is calculated at 50% for EG and 70% for HIP and DG³. Values are according to ASTM D4956 requirements for each sheeting tier.