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  6. 3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Pads MPP+, 7 in x 7 in, 20/case

3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Pads MPP+, 7 in x 7 in, 20/case

  • 3M ID 7100134123

Pliable one-part intumescent firestop material is designed for wall openings and through penetrations

Provides draft and cold smoke seal, helps reduce noise transfer

Firestop tested for through penetration and membrane applications for up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479)

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  • Pliable one-part intumescent firestop material is designed for wall openings and through penetrations
  • Provides draft and cold smoke seal, helps reduce noise transfer
  • Firestop tested for through penetration and membrane applications for up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479)
  • Excellent adhesion to a wide range of construction materials
  • Non-corrosive to metal, and compatible with synthetic cable jackets
  • Applied by hand, with no mixing or tools

Our 3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Pads MPP+ are a one-part firestop material used in various fire-rated assemblies, such as electrical box protection. Designed to prevent the spread of fire, smoke and noxious gasses, this intumescent material comes ready to use in convenient 1/10” (2.54 mm) thick pads that are conformable by hand with no mixing or tools. Pads are firestop tested up to 4 hours.

Pliable, Conformable and Shapeable for Exacting Coverage For applications requiring conformable coverage, these pliable 3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Pads MPP+ meet a full range of firestop needs that would be impractical with strips, wraps or rolls. Ready to use in convenient 1/10” (2.54 mm) thick pads, this firestop material is designed for excellent adhesion to most construction substrates and is non-corrosive when applied to metal – ideal for use with listed steel or plastic electrical outlet boxes. It is also safe for applications including synthetic cable jackets, making it suitable for firestopping cable bundles. It won’t crumble or dry out, exhibits excellent aging properties and is re-enterable to save time and money after installation. And the pads are extremely simple and cost-effective to install: technicians mold the material by hand directly onto the substrate without mixing or tools. For larger applications, self-adhering pads can be molded together. Recommended Applications Protection of membrane penetrations for listed metallic and non-metallic electrical boxes Wall opening protective to meet building requirements Seal gaps between cables in multiple penetrations (including fiber optic inner duct) Insulated pipe, electrical conduit and metal pipe penetrations Fully Tested and Approved Our intumescent 3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Pads MPP+ are firestop tested up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479). They are tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 (UL 263) up to 2 hours when installed in accordance with the UL wall-opening protective listing (UL Category CLIV), and help reduce noise transfer (STC-Rating of 52 when tested on back-to-back electrical boxes). Reliable and Affordable Fire Protection Effective and easy to install, 3M™ Fire Barrier Moldable Putty Pads MPP+ are part of our family of fire protection products that offer the broadest, long-lasting solutions for a variety of commercial, industrial and residential applications. As a trusted leader in the fire protection industry, 3M offers a broad line of affordable products designed to meet the most demanding firestop requirements. Find the solution you need from the industry-preferred line of fire protection products.

Typical Properties
