Biological indicator provides results in just 24-minutes
Use the 3M™ Attest™ Rapid Readout Biological Indicator 1295 in conjunction with the 3M™ Attest™ Auto-reader as a standard method of routine monitoring of vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilization processes in the following systems: AMSCO® V-PRO® 1 Low Temperature Sterilization System (Lumen cycle), AMSCO® V-PRO® 1 Plus Low Temperature Sterilization System (Lumen and Non Lumen cycles), AMSCO® V-PRO® maX Low Temperature Sterilization System (Lumen, Non Lumen, and Flexible cycles), AMSCO® V-PRO® 60 Low Temperature Sterilization System (Lumen, Non Lumen and Flexible cycles) and in STERRAD® 100S, STERRAD® NX (Standard and Advanced cycles), STERRAD® 100NX (Standard, Flex, Express and Duo cycles) systems, STERRAD® NX with AllClear™ Technology (Standard and Advanced cycles) and STERRAD® 100NX with AllClear™ Technology (Standard, Flex, Express and Duo cycles).
Twenty-four minute results with the 3M™ Attest™ Rapid Readout Biological Indicator System for Vaporized Hydrogen Peroxide sterilization give you the information you need when there is still time to act