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  5. Firestop Pillows, Blocks, Plugs & Composite Sheets
  6. 3M™ Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+, 28 in x 52 in, 1/case

3M™ Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+, 28 in x 52 in, 1/case

  • 3M ID 7100006140

Four-component intumescent system is ideal for firestopping larger penetrations such as cable trays and conduit

Forms effective intermittent fire-break within horizontal and vertical cable tray runs

Hard char material tightly seals penetrations against flame spread, smoke and toxic gases

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  • Four-component intumescent system is ideal for firestopping larger penetrations such as cable trays and conduit
  • Forms effective intermittent fire-break within horizontal and vertical cable tray runs
  • Hard char material tightly seals penetrations against flame spread, smoke and toxic gases
  • Easy to install: cut, form and install using common trade tools for nearly any size
  • Thermally conductive: allows unwanted heat build-up to escape, helping reduce derating issues
  • Re-enterable for new or retrofit installations
  • Firestop tested for up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479)

3M™ Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+ is a lightweight intumescent firestop that combines four components into a single system to help slow the spread of fire, smoke and noxious gases. Sheets combine 28-gauge steel, intumescent material, wire mesh and aluminum foil and are easy to handle and install with common trade tools. They are firestop tested for up to 4 hours of fire protection.

Firestopping in Nearly Any Size and Shape For larger openings and penetrations where putties and strips alone aren’t enough, our 3M™ Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+ is a one-part firestop system that installers can cut and form to exact sizes – no mixing or damming required. These sheets are easily installed using common tools and fasteners. Ideal for firestopping penetrations such as cable trays and conduit, the sheets feature intumescent material bonded to 28-gauge galvanized steel, reinforced on its facing side with hexagonal wire mesh and covered in aluminum foil. This combination of organic/inorganic materials makes these composite sheets a reliable firestop in tested and listed systems, new and retrofit. These materials also make an excellent thermal conductor, helping to dispel built-up radiant heat to preserve process and control equipment and help minimize cable derating concerns. Recommended Applications Seal penetrations through fire-rated walls and floors Firestop penetrations including cable trays, cable, piping and large blanks Multiple component installations where heat build-up and derating are concerns Shield conduit, HVAC ductwork, panels, valves and vital heat-sensitive process equipment Fire-resistive and smoke seal for any shape opening in concrete block or slabs Protect cable drop-outs, junction boxes and cabinets Intermittent firestop in horizontal and vertical cable tray runs In conjunction with 3M™ Fire Barrier Sealant or Moldable Putty MP+ Fully Tested and Approved 3M™ Fire Barrier Composite Sheet CS-195+ is firestop tested up to 4 hours in accordance with ASTM E 814 (UL 1479). The Science of Better Fire Protection from 3M Since 1925 when one of our lab assistants invented masking tape, 3M has been applying science to life –developing adhesive products and technologies that help entire industries and individual businesses worldwide. The work that began with a single 3M engineer now span

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