3M™ Connected Roads All Weather Elements

  • 3M ID B5005047004

3M™ Reflective Elements utilize the most advanced technologies to deliver true reflected color and optimized visibility tailored to roadway requirements

Feature unique 3M™ microcrystalline ceramic beads which are tougher and more efficient than other glass-beaded optic systems for superior performance and can be optimized for both dry and wet roadway conditions

Designed as a drop-on composite optic for liquid-applied markings

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  • 3M™ Reflective Elements utilize the most advanced technologies to deliver true reflected color and optimized visibility tailored to roadway requirements
  • Feature unique 3M™ microcrystalline ceramic beads which are tougher and more efficient than other glass-beaded optic systems for superior performance and can be optimized for both dry and wet roadway conditions
  • Designed as a drop-on composite optic for liquid-applied markings
  • True reflected color and superior visibility
  • Easily installed by double-drop application equipment

3M™ All Weather Elements offer outstanding visibility all the time, but where they’re designed to really shine is in dark and wet conditions. This is possible due to 3M’s unique 2.4 (wet) and 1.9 (dry) refractive index bead technology. They’re compatible with most liquid pavement marking binders and install with double-drop systems.

Microcrystalline ceramic beads embedded on a center core