1. Malaysia
  2. 3Mgives


United Way

The Greater Twin Cities United Way celebrated its Centennial Year with 3M’s Chairman, President and CEO, Inge Thulin, the 2015 campaign leader. 3Mers answered the call to step up and help those in need. During the 2015 campaign, 3Mers donated $6.1 million and 53,000 hours of their time—both records for the program. These results earned 3M the Greater Twin Cities United Way "Best in Show" award for the second year in a row – the first time back-to-back win ever accomplished by a company in the Twin Cities. In addition, 3M Austin won the Excellence in Corporate Philanthropy Award from the United Way for Greater Austin.

  • United Way event

    3M is thankful for our longstanding partnership with United Way organizations worldwide, and in particular the Greater Twin Cities United Way.

  • 3M 5k Race Crowd

    As part of the 2015 campaign, more than 800 3Mers and their families ran and walked to support the United Way at 3M's 5K Fun Racer.

3M supports the National Museum of African American History and Culture
Painting hand yellow
3M improves lives around the world.
  • 3Mgives Volunteers

    Investing our resources. Investing ourselves.

    3Mgives improves lives and builds sustainable communities through social investments and thoughtful engagement of 3Mers worldwide. 3M was one of the first companies to establish a foundation in 1953. Our commitment to the community continues today. 3M harnesses financial investments, business expertise and our people to maximize impact in 3M communities.

    3Mgives continues to support initiatives that have a real impact in communities and that provide solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. Our investments are more impactful as a result of partnerships with organizations with a proven track record for delivering results

    2020 Year in Review (PDF, 104 KB)



3Mgives makes a positive impact in our three focus areas.

Featured Program

  • 3M Impact team members learn farming techniques

    At 3M, we believe in the power of our people to help solve some of the world’s greatest challenges. Through our skills-based service program, 3M Impact, teams of employees have an opportunity to travel to a different country, where they spend two immersive weeks collaborating with a local nonprofit organization, social enterprise or government agency to contribute to a solution for a pressing social or environmental issue.

    Learn more about 3M Impact and hear about past participants’ experiences by visiting the program site: 

    Find out more about the 3M Impact program in Malaysia

Building communities through the time and talent of our people.

3Mers love making a difference—especially when they can apply science and innovation to change lives. We’re proud of their efforts and encourage them to improve lives in their communities.

  • 3M Global Volunteer Day

    3M Global Volunteer Day

    Every year, 3Mers in global locations come together to improve lives as part of our annual Global Volunteer Day. And that’s just one of the many ways that we work to make our communities better places for us to live in.

    On the 14th of August 2019, 3M Malaysia partnered with MySkills Foundation to host the 3M Malaysia Volunteer Day event. The committee organized an “Explorace” for the students of MySkills as well as 3M Volunteers. Designed to encourage interactive learning and the spirit of teamwork, the “Explorace” consisted of activities such as landscaping, wall mural painting and 4 mini science games.

    At the end of the day, MySkills’ students and 3M volunteers got to bond over the activities and learn valuable lessons in teamwork. Through effective communication, all the teams successfully completed the challenges and everyone walked home a winner.