When it comes to car care, we want the best for our pride and joy. Discover tips and learn more about how to restore your car to like-new condition.

Interior appearance

  • Does the Leather and Vinyl Cleaner and Restorer have a pleasant scent?
    It has refreshing natural scent to freshen your car.
  • You would need a 3M™ Leather and Vinyl Cleaner/Restorer and a detailing or microfiber cloth.

    1. Wipe down the vinyl surfaces with a clean cloth to remove dust and dirt.
    2. Spray the 3M™ Leather and Vinyl Cleaner/Restorer onto a microfiber cloth or a clean cloth and wipe it on the surface of the dashboard, steering wheels, glove box and door panels. Then remove excess solution with a new cloth. Be sure to wipe the steering wheel dry so that it is easier to grip when driving.

  • This depends on the material of the interior of your car. If it is primarily leather, clean it once every 3 months. Using a 3M™ Leather and Vinyl Restorer, spray on the surface. With the help of a microfiber cloth, wipe the solution over the surface. The refreshing lemon scent deodorises the car as well!
  • 3M™ Nomad™ Car Mats are a universal fit for all sedans. Check the dimensions to ensure it fits other car types. However, if it is too big for your car, you can choose to trim it manually or contact (XXX) for a custom fit.
  • It lasts 10 times longer than ordinary mats - vinyl coiled loops strongly bonds together to last longer.
  • Wash it in water and hang it up to dry to maintain its static properties. Do not use detergent as it would cause soap particles to get trapped in them.

Exterior appearance

  • Is car wash shampoo safe to wash my car by hand?
    If you have sensitive skin, always check the packaging for the ingredients list to ensure that it is completely safe for you to use manually.
  • Follow the two-bucket method. Use one bucket to soap the car and the other to rinse it.

     1. Use a sponge/microfibre cloth to spread the car wash shampoo on the surface, in a circular motion.
    2. Dip the sponge/cloth into the water bucket to clean it before diping it into foam bucket and move to wash other portion
    3. Rinse off the foam on the car and dry it with a chamois or microfiber cloth.This completely removes all the soap without leaving any streaks or residue.

  • A car wash foam shampoo with a foam gun machine is the best way to remove stubborn dirt. This creates more suds which absorbs the dirt from the car. If you don't have a foam gun, you can still clean your car till it shines! Allow the suds to soak for longer before cleaning the surface of your car with a microfibre cloth. To ensure that your car stays clean for longer, finish it off with a layer of car wax. This makes it easier for you to clean your car during your next car wash.
  • A general cloth may have some dirt embedded in it and when it is used to wipe the car body, it could scratch the paint. Instead, a detailing cloth or a microfibre cloth is best as it is gentle on the surface and does not leave scratch marks and patches.
  • Depending on your car's condition one layer is usually all it takes to get a 'new car' shine!
    Avoid getting oily, white residues on the surface by:

    1. Applying each layer by sections on the car.
    2. Applying only a thin layer each time.
  • 1. Waxing their cars in direct sunlight. The liquid or past car wax would dry quicker in the sun and this could lead to white residue.
    2. Applying wax directly on the surface instead of on the applicator. This may lead to dark and uneven streaks.
    3. Not allowing the car to dry before applying a wax layer. This could result in swirl marks in your finishing except 3M Paste Wax and 3M Marine Paste Wax.
  • When looking at the quality of car wax, Carnauba wax is the best to give more than a warm shine but it gives your car a highly reflective surface. This protects your car from UV rays. Car wax in spray is easiest way to apply and it provide gloss and shine , liquid or paste form, generally has no performance difference much. It only depends on your lifestyle and convenience. Spray wax is usually applied on a regular basis after a wash for a quick shine. Liquid wax is easier to use than paste wax when you use with machine.
  • Tinted windows are treated differently from non-tinted windows in order to prevent it from getting damaged. You need an ammonia-free glass cleaner and a microfiber detailing cloth. The ammonia-free cleaning product ensures that the windows are cleaned thoroughly without affecting the quality of the tint. Using a microfiber cloth as opposed to a newspaper, prevents lint and efficiently removes dust.
  • Ammonia-based glass cleaners are known to be harmful to your health. While it may be effective in disinfecting the surface, when in contact with the product, it could affect your skin. For those of you who prefer to clean your car manually, this is harmful to your health. If you're looking for products that can clean your windshields and windows without using harmful chemicals, 3M™ Glass Cleaners would work for you. It contains a powerful formula that is able to clean glass surfaces successfully without using ammonia - safe for manual use.
  • Sure you can! The 3M™ Glass Cleaner is a non-drip foam, which makes for an easy clean on any part of your car. Apart from glass surfaces, it is safe to use it on plastics as well.

Wiper blades

General car care tips

  • How to keep my car running like brand new?
    To keep it running and looking like brand new, you need

    1. Car wash with a pH balanced formula
    2. Quick Wax
    3. Fuel Cleaner
    4. Gloss Enhancer

    The car wash ensure that tough stains are removed while protecting your car paint. Quick Wax is a protective layer to prevent scratches. The Fuel Cleaner helps to improve your engine efficiency by cleaning the system. Finally, a gloss enhancer is a useful way to achieve a shiny look that lasts longer.
  • If you have a busy lifestyle, the best way to quickly care for your car is to ensure that the exterior is clean and that your engine is performing at its best.

    1. Wash your car with 3M™ Quick Wax. The formula is specially designed to remove stains without removing the top coat. In one simple step, your car is not only clean, it has a new car shine too!
    2. Use the fuel additive to your engine to improve fuel efficiency.

    Every month, use the car polish for a mirrored finish.